
Employment Solicitor UK

At Gordon and Thompson Solicitors, we have a dedicated team of lawyers with expertise in handling employment cases. We understand experiencing a breach of your employments rights can be distressing and complex situation. So, we are here committed to providing effective legal representation to protect our clients' interests.



Employment law is a complex and ever-changing area in the UK, and it can be difficult for both employers and employees to know their rights and obligations. Employment claims are legal disputes that arise between employers and employees, and they can cover a wide range of issues, from discrimination and harassment to wrongful dismissal and redundancy. In this article, we will explore some of the most common employment claims in the UK and what you need to know if you are involved in one.


Wrongful dismissal occurs when an employer breaches the terms of an employment contract by terminating an employee’s contract without proper notice or without following the correct procedures. This can include dismissing an employee without warning, failing to give the required notice period, or dismissing an employee for an invalid reason. If you believe you have been wrongfully dismissed, you may be able to make a claim for compensation.


Unfair dismissal is similar to wrongful dismissal, but it applies to situations where an employee has been dismissed for unfair reasons. This can include discrimination, whistleblowing, or asserting a statutory right. To make a claim for unfair dismissal, you must have been employed for at least two years and your dismissal must have been unfair according to the law.


Redundancy occurs when an employer needs to reduce their workforce and decides to terminate the contracts of one or more employees. Redundancy can be a fair reason for dismissal, but employers must follow a fair procedure and consider alternatives before making employees redundant. If you believe you have been unfairly made redundant, you may be able to make a claim for compensation.

Employment Rights
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